The examples below include anonymised Case Studies and Client feedback about our work.
Case Study 1
The Client sought information concerning a person involved in litigation in which the Client was a Plaintiff. The Subject of Enquiry (SoE) had travelled extensively and was resident overseas. Extensive research and analysis identified that the SoE had been involved in previous court proceedings but had not been called as a witness (which would have materially assisted the case of the plaintiff in that case) – possibly by travelling abroad. Research identified errors made by the SoE that were likely to be of material assistance in preparation of the case for the Client. The report was provided within 24 hours, and forwarded to legal counsel in order to prepare the case. The Client was awarded a full apology and a six-figure sum in damages and costs.
Client feedback
“(the report is) amazing – all in one day. I started reading and could not stop. Very telling insight to (the SoE’s) modus operandi.Very well done and thank you…(we are) utterly delighted with report."
Case Study 2
A report was requested into a SoE who was allegedly involved in hostile activity towards the Client. The SoE was resident overseas and had ensured that much of their life was private. Extended research identified them and their associates, and a number of overseas-registered companies with which they were involved. The Report also provided the Client with a recommendation for the means by which further investigation might be made, and was prepared in order that it could be passed to law-enforcement authorities by the Client’s lawyers.
Client feedback
“A comprehensive and wide-ranging report on the activities, in a number of countries, of a former intelligence agent and their associates producing many informative lines of enquiry which were followed up. All completed within the time allocated and only using legitimate means of investigation.”
Case Study 3
A report was requested into a Chinese company being considered by a Client as the supplier of an order for a significant amount of money. The request was for a fast-time report to enable the client to assess the credit worthiness of the proposed supplier. Produced in under 24 hours, the report identified certain issues that cast doubt as to the credentials of the subject company; principally an undeclared ultimate ownership and an absence of any verified trading record. The report informed the Client’s investment decision.
“...a very timely report for one of our clients on a supplier in China with a very quick turnaround and all who read it were impressed."
Case Study 4
Ventham Consulting is pleased to have been able to assist the inquiry into Economic Crime undertaken by the Treasury Select Committee of the UK's House of Commons. The inquiry examined the UK's anti-money laundering systems, sanctions regime, and how consumers are affected by economic crime. Written evidence was submitted on behalf of a Client.
Case Study 5
Ventham Consulting were engaged to assist a Client in a long-running legal case, by undertaking research and analysis on their behalf for a leading London law firm. The work included detailed analysis of disclosed material and the preparation of reports to brief the Client and lawyers. The case was concluded satisfactorily for the Client.
Client feedback
“Ventham Consulting were extremely responsive throughout, and provided a high level, in-depth analysis of another party. The reporting was extremely helpful, containing far more insight than the usual due diligence providers, presented in an accessible and digestible way."